Wednesday, February 7, 2007

class debate 2_(smoking)

Topic:Should smoking be totally banned?

Personally, i feel that smoking should be totally banned.

From an economist point of view, smoking is one of man's unlimited wants. It is not something that will benefit one but in fact, it is actually harmful. Addiction, one of man's worst sin, is the very cause of so many smokers in our present time. As the economy grows, more and more third-world countries start to develop and the average person's salary can easily provide them with sufficient cigarettes to satisfy their addiction.
In Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina, vast areas were given over to tobacco plantation. These products were cheap but they are sold at very high prices in the market, thus it is a very profitable form of income. Therefore, it is very hard to stop the production of tobacco. Hence, i hope that we can work towards the sales of tobacco to prevent addictive smokers.
The goverment should raise the prices of cigarettes to prevent and hopefully banned smoking. Smoking causes lung cancer and many other lung-related diseases. In conclusion, the goverment should, i repeat, should ban smoking...

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